Friday, December 31, 2010

Can I Use Corn Oil For Brownies

Hygiene de l'assassin by Amélie Nothomb Amélie Nothomb

4th cover:
Pretextatus Tach, Nobel Prize for Literature, has more than two months to live.
Journalists from around the world requesting interviews with the writer that his misanthropy is a recluse for years. Only four will meet him, which he will play in a dialectic where bad faith and logic collide. The fifth head held him, he will take the game If this novel is almost entirely in dialogue, no form is not much akin to torture.
Exchanges, simple interviews, gradually saw the interview, thank you to a duel which then draws a different man, a prey to the darkest secrets. First novel of extraordinary intensity, where Amelie Nothomb, 25, handles the cruelty, cynicism and ambiguity with a talent accomplished. Another
Nothomb to relax but it has not had the desired effect ...
Pretextatus Tach, Nobel Prize for Literature with twenty-two novels under his belt, is on the verge of death. But it boasts reasons his imminent death: he is suffering from an extremely rare disease, cancer of the cartilage ...
It authorizes five journalists handpicked by the secretary of the interviewer.

I tell you right away: this novel does not please me at all. Pretextatus is a despicable character. He is obese, beardless, condescending. He eats unclean things, is so nice that it is odious. He entertains by humiliating his interlocutors, he especially likes to see them throwing up ... The last

journalists surprises us. Finally we say here is an interesting character who will stand up to Pretextatus. It does that with a few peaks, figures of speech but after a while it becomes as sadistic as the writer.

Our reporter will awaken old memories of Pretextatus. He is the only one who read the complete works of the novelist. Thus he realized that the book is actually an unfinished autobiography.

Amelie uses a lot of complicated words, figures of literary style and vocabulary. This prevented me from understanding some dialogues, some spread between the two interlocutors.

The story is not credible. In addition the book's title, we already revealed some of the plot.
frankly I hated, I want to finish this book.
only positive point: the cover is a painting by Millais representing the Ophelia of Shakespeare.

I could get married anyway, if only for the fun to piss off my wife. Well no, because that is where my kindness comes in: I do not get married to save this unfortunate

Writing starts where the floor, [...]


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